August 7, 2024
Evan O’Brien
My lab is interested in studying G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) structure & dynamics, with an eye towards developing next-gen therapeutics targeting this complex set of receptors. These proteins are pivotal drug targets with extremely complex signaling behaviors. This complexity is […]
July 28, 2022
Chang Liu
WBSB 704Lab website The Liu Lab opened in August 2022. Research Interests We study the molecular mechanisms underlying a variety of nucleic acid transactions, including DNA transposition, RNA synthesis and RNA processing. The current research focus of my laboratory is […]
July 9, 2020
Edward Twomey
Our lab has three main interests. (1) Time-resolved cryo-electron microscopy. How can we understand how proteins work as a function of time? To do this we are developing new techniques for time-resolved specimen preparation in cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography. (2) Ionotropic glutamate […]
August 4, 2016
Bin Wu
Research Interest Seeing is believing: my lab is interested in visualizing and quantifying biological events as they happen in situ at real time. We use single molecule imaging and spectroscopy technology in live cells, combined with theoretical modeling to extract […]
July 14, 2016
Jennifer Kavran
Research Interests: I am intrigued by how cells receive information from their environment and how they then process and respond to that information. This phenomenon, known as signaling, underlies numerous biological processes and allows cells to react to external cues […]
July 8, 2016
Scott Bailey
Research Interests Research in the Bailey laboratory focuses on the molecular basis of the processes that relate to protein nucleic acid interaction. The strategy that we use is based primarily on structural studies using X-ray crystallography. A central premise of […]